  • Nutrition Facts
  • Per.
    450 g
  • Energy
    369.6 Kcal
  • Protein
    38.1 g
  • Total Fat
    3.9 g
  • · Saturated Fat
    0.0 g
  • · Trans Fat
    0.0 g
  • Cholesterol
    0.0 mg
  • Total Carbohydrates
    46.1 g
  • · Sugar
    34.6 g
  • · Dietary Fibre
    3.5 g
  • Sodium
    205.2 mg
Berry Pump

Blueberry, Coconut Flower Nectar, Raspberry, Vanilla Pro Mix, Oat Milk

Energize your day with the Berry Pump, a vibrant blend of blueberries, raspberries, oat milk, coconut flower nectar, and vanilla protein mix. This antioxidant-rich drink provides a delicious and rejuvenating boost, perfect for enhancing your energy levels and supporting your overall well-being.